My last day of full-time (blogging) employment.

No more job, but I get as many air quotes as I want. (I'm a "consultant.")

No more job, but I get as many air quotes as I want. (I’m a “consultant.”)

After five and a half years, today is my last day of full-time employment. Tomorrow, my status changes to “consultant,” and I start the next phase of my life. This phase could just be months long, or it could extend into years or even blend into whatever comes next. I really have very little idea what may come, and it’s pretty darn exciting.

This week has been a complete whirlwind. After returning from my weekend move to Virginia Beach, I assessed how much prep work I have left to do. I was relieved to realize that there aren’t many items on that list, at least items to be accomplished in the DC area by the time I leave Friday.

Simple pleasures. It may not be my beloved sectional sofa, but it's better than sit on the hard, muddy ground for six months.

Simple pleasures. It may not be my beloved sectional sofa, but it’s better than sitting on the hard, cold ground for six months.

On Monday, my Gregory Deva 60 finally arrived, and I picked up the beautiful pack and accompanying rain cover at the nearby FedEx/Kinko’s. On Tuesday, I made my last trip to REI to purchase a sit pad and some Tenacious Tape for potential gear repair. And now I have all of my gear, if it can be imagined – or at least all the gear that will be on my person when I step foot on Springer Mountain.

The rest of the week has been full of treats. A couple of friends at work took me out to lunch on Monday. My friend Caro cooked me a delicious dinner of lentil soup on Tuesday (with leftovers for Wednesday!). Today, a bunch of coworkers are taking me to lunch to wish me well.

One friend even gifted me his old Mophie battery charger case. This warranted a huge hug...against his will.

One friend, worried my phone would die, even gifted me his old Mophie battery charger case. This warranted a huge hug…against his will.

I’ve been inundated with thoughtful comments, consideration, and – at times – concern. “Will you bring a GPS device like a Spot so that people know where you are?” “You take care of yourself.” “Don’t forget to touch base so that we know you’re safe.”

Mostly, though, I’ve been met with an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm and support. And hugs, lots of hugs.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ve probably noted that I can be high strung at times. I do a pretty good job of stressing myself out (I dont mean to brag, but it’s a gift). On the downside, well, I get stressed out. On the upside, I often harness that nervous energy in an effort to accomplish my goals.

In the case of preparing for an A.T. thru-hike, on August 30 I announced that I would be going from 0 to 60, and on February 28, I feel like I’m as close to 60 as I could possibly be. I still have those pesky mail drop boxes to pack, but – very uncharacteristically – I’m feeling cool, calm, and collected. In fact, a coworker asked me if I’m anxious, and I responded,

“No. I feel great. Actually, maybe I should be worried that I’m not anxious.”

Ba da ba chhhhh.

Seriously, though, I’m really enjoying this feeling and am reveling in it.

You know the tune: Now it's time to say goodbye-ish to all our company. J-O-R (Rest assured) D-A-N-A (any day now) I'll be hiking the AAAAAA TTTTTTT.

You know the tune: Now it’s time to say goodbye-ish to all our company. J-O-R (Rest assured) D-A-N-A (any day now) I’ll be hiking the AAAAAA TTTTTTT.

On another note, as much as this is my last day working full-time, I’d like to announce that this is also my last day full-time blogging. I figured that now is as good a time as any, especially since Verizon cut off my internet service early (I think the company was looking out for my well being. So thoughtful). That’s not to say that I won’t be blogging regularly in the next couple of weeks, but I also don’t want any of you worrying if you don’t see a post at 6am EST on the dot (not saying I heard feedback yesterday or anything. Ahem, ahem, you know who you are).

I don’t think you’ll be hearing from me tomorrow, but rest assured, I still have plenty that I want to share from Virginia Beach and Springer Mountain and Mount Katahdin…and everything in between.

Meandering on,


29 thoughts on “My last day of full-time (blogging) employment.

  1. Good luck, stay safe, and know that you have inspired many people to accomplish their own dreams (me included) with every post, every joke, and every piece of your trip you have planned. I look forward to reading your updates as you venture into the exciting unknown. Take care!

  2. I will miss your regular blog posts, but I am so excited to hear updates from the trail. What you are doing is fantastic! Thank you for taking us along on this trek with you. I will be thinking of you as you take this journey and wishing you warm, safe travels. Sending you virtual hugs… salty palette

    • Knowing me and what I’ve heard about cell reception on the trail, it may take all my will power not to update daily. Then again, my hands will probably be too cold to oblige. Packing away the virtual hugs for later. I may need them.

  3. I randomly found your blog a while back, got addicted…( as I hiked a piece of the AT years ago), and look forward to following your trip. Echoing all the others…stay safe.

  4. Jordana – hike well, enjoy all the things the trail will show you and teach you. I think you have my email to reach me at the end ofthe line if I can do ANYTHING for you. email me if you want me to send you my phone number, too.

  5. So excited for you! Have a wonderful, life-changing, challenging, spirit-filled journey. Sending you super positive juju from Texas!

  6. Get ready, Set,……and GO! I won’t do to you what my wife and her sister did to me, played and sang the songs from the Sound of Music, “Climb Every Mountain”, and from Frosty the Snow Man, “Just Put One Foot in Front of The Other”. I can’t tell you how those songs stick in your head when you are on the trail. Happy Trails

    • Haha, thanks, and everyone that I end up hiking with (near?) in the first few days/weeks on the trail will thank you too. 1. I’m a big fan of singing random songs and 2. I’m tone deaf.

  7. congratulations on your next journey, isn’t life fun and interesting with all the new things to do and try. Good luck and may God bless you in this next phase in your life.

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